A catastrophic injury is a life altering injury that alters the victim’s everyday life and ability to work, as well as impacting the victim’s families. These injuries can include serious damage to the spine, spinal cord, brain, spinal fractures, head trauma, or loss of limb. Injuries are classified by three categories: fatality, permanent severe functional disability, and severe head or neck trauma with no permanent disability.
Injuries that include severe head or neck trauma can take away the person’s ability to speak, understand information, and recall memories. Our team of spinal cord injury lawyers and brain injury lawyers work tirelessly to get your loved one the compensation they deserve.
Fatality injuries happen when an accident results in death. A lawsuit involving a fatality will take into consideration the pain and suffering of family members and loved ones. It also considers the lost wages of the deceased person and how that has impacted the family.
Permanent severe functional disability includes injuries that impact the physical body and how it moves or appears. These injuries can include amputation, burns, fractures, damage to tissue.
These injuries can incur enormous medical bills and require extensive therapies and equipment to aid in the victim’s new every day life. In addition, those injured with a catastrophic injury are unable to resume their previous job and can result in a loss of income for the family. Our catastrophic injury lawyers understand that money doesn’t bring back loved ones that are lost or take away pain. We will fight to get the compensation that will eliminate medical bills, pay for treatments, and support for the victims and their families.